Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Home School?

It has broken my heart but after Jason and my stent in the hospital we are having to pull the Jax out of preschool and KJ out of Mommy's day out. I must admit that I cried when turning in the cancellation paperwork. They love going and I've loved the care and education that they have received. We are still undecided what to do once Jax has to go to Kindergarten. Options range from public school, private school, and home school. I went to a city school and I'm not too sure about going that route. Possibly will be able to send him to private school by that time, but don't want to become financially strained again. Scared of ability to teach at home. So my brain is a jumble. Gonna try to teach pre-K and toddler 2 preschool at home this year and see how it goes. If any has some helpful/nonjudgmental advice please feel free to share. Please pray for our family as we embark onto this adventure.

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