Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fun, Fun, Fun

Yesterday evening. we were feeding daisy and the next thing I know Jaxon has his head in the dog food bowl trying to eat the food like daisy. Unfortunately the camera was not close enough to get a picture. I'm just glad he didn't put head in the water bowl. I'm sure he will eventually.

Last night was Jaxon's first night in his big boy bed and he stayed in it all night. We just knew there was going to be play time at some point during the night but there wasn't and he did a great job.

Today was get out of the house day since it wasn't too hot outside. We went to the park and then to the mall to play in the kids play area.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


We've been really busy lately. I've had a couple of rough spots with the pregnancy but they have smoothed out. Now we are starting to get Jaxon, daisy and the house ready for the new addition. We don't want to make too many changes too quick so that Jaxon has time to adjust. Today we changed his crib into the toddler bed. Nap time was rough. took and hour to get him down. The freedom was too exciting. Rather do this now than when the little one is here and we are all overwhelmed. As for our other child, Daisy, she is not adjusting. We have been emptying out the computer room to make into Jaxon's toddler room and the computer room was daisy's room. Now she has to sleep in the master bed room with me and Jas. She doesn't like this because it's in the back of the house and she can not look down the hallway into the living room anymore. We are trying to start the adjustments now and hopefully will have Jaxon's toddler room done before his birthday. We should find out if we are having a boy or girl in June also. So May and June are big months around here. May is birthday central in my family and add in mothers day & nurses day and we have something going on for the entire month.

On a different note everyone please continue to pray for the Harber Family. Baby Julianna's surgery has been postponed and with a big move in the near future they need all of our prayers and support.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Will We Get a Break

Why does it feel like when it rains it pours. We have to replace our AC Coil and this morning Jason comes and wakes me up because the garage door coil broke and we couldn't get it open. It is just so frustrating to have something consistently coming up. Luckily the repair guy was on a job in Germantown and came over as soon as he was done with that job. We felt like we were in a Steven King novel the house would not release us. At least we didn't see twin girls saying Red Rum, Red Rum. Always an adventure around here. Fun, Fun, Fun.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

I worked Easter part of the sacrifice I make being a weekender. Jaxon and Jason went to Somerville and enjoyed the day with Grammy and Pop Pop. Jaxon had a great time hunting for eggs.

Go Tigers

Jaxon loves Ball as he calls it and every Tiger game he was in his gear. Unfortunately we lost but he still loves the Tigers and Roars when ball comes on.

Easter Egg Decorating

We decorated Eggs the Friday before Easter. I am just really late at posting pictures.