Sunday, June 29, 2008

Child proof... Yeah right!!!!

Jason was awoken today by Jaxon trying to give him 2 Tylenol. When he asked Jaxon where he got them Jaxon took Jason to the kitchen where Jason found our large bottle of Tylenol open and spilled all over the floor. Jaxon then showed him that he tried to give 2 Tylenol to Daisy. Luckily Daisy didn't take them the problem came in that we could not figure out if Jaxon took any. Jaxon had taken the kitchen chair and pushed it up to the counter and got the closed, child proof bottle. Normally the bottle is in the cabinet but I needed some Tylenol for my hip pain at 3 in the morning and forgot to put it back in the cabinet. After talking to our Pediatrition I called a coworker who was nice enough to come in so I could leave. Our Dr. told us to get to La Bonheur within 3-4 hours in order to get blood work done to see if he ingested any of the Tylenol. If we got there any earlier we would have to just wait. They were great. We were taken right back and we were given great care. We were there for 3 hours which is great for an ER visit. Jaxon's tests were negative so luckily no Tylenol ingestion. Thank God. I have determined that Child proof means Adult proof-- Child accessible. Rough day but great outcome.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Busy Week

We have had a busy week mainly because the entire Hester house has been sick. Jaxon went for his wellness visit and had an ear infection which we all have had drainage and the sneezes but he had not been pulling on his ear so it was a bit of a suprise. Jaxon got on abx and then Jas and I started feeling worse and then we were put on abx also. Hopefully this will mean that we won't keep passing the bug back and forth.

On another note Julianna Harber had surgery this week and she did great and is recovering well. Please visit her page and Mommy's page to give well wishes.

Everyone have a great weekend.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Grace is here

My niece Jennifer gave birth to Grace Mckenzie Thornhill on 6/21/08 at 5:05pm weighing 7lbs 2oz and 21 inches long. Mom, Dad and Baby are doing great.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Beginning of Kaylee's Room

I've been working on art work and other accessories for Kaylee's room. Here's a peek.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Jason's Career Change

After a lot of thought and soul searching my husband, Jason, has decided to change career paths. He is currently a Computer Graphics Artist and is unable to advance any farther because he has advanced and accomplished what he can in his field. He is going to start school this fall to get his EMT cert and begin to work towards being a Fireman. His Dad, Brother and nephew are all firemen so he knows what to expect. He is really excited because this is giving him a goal to work toward and then he can work his way up in the fire department. We need everyone praying for us as we welcome our 2nd child in October and Jason goes to school. I'm so excited for both. Can't wait to meet our little girl Kaylee and I am so excited for Jason to start this new adventure.

On another note Please everyone pray for the Harber family as their sweet baby girl has Surgery Monday June 23rd. Please take a moment and visit her CaringBridge site and leave well wishes.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Jeremy & Amber's Wedding

Jeremy (our nephew) got married to his wonderful bride Amber on Saturday June 7, 2008. They had a beautiful ceremony and a kick butt reception. Jaxon was the ring bearer so wrangling him prevented me from taking as many pics as I would have liked. Here is what I do have. Please pray for them as they start there life together.

Jaxon's 2nd Birthday

I've been to tired to blog. Last week wiped me out. Jaxon had a great party. The cars theme was a great hit and after blowing out his candle he immediately took the cars off the cake.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

And it's a......

This is just a short post to let everyone know that we found out today that we are having a GIRL!!! I'm shocked, mainly, because I was right. I thought we were having a girl when we had Jaxon. I'm just dreading the massive amount of pink I will get. Not a Pink fan. Got to get back to birthday preparation. Hope everyone has a great day.