Wednesday, March 25, 2009

St. Patrick's day.....a little late

So, once again I'm behind in posting. I've been busy sewing and chasing after these kiddos. Kaylee is on the verge of crawling and Jaxon is obsessed with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I am loving watching Jaxon and Kaylee interact. They adore each other. Jaxon is very gentle and can't stand to see Kaylee upset. Kaylee using all her energy to get to Jaxon, rolling or scooting. Jaxon can get Kaylee to belly laugh just by jumping. I feel so blessed that they love each other so much. We will see how it goes when she starts getting into his toys. Here are the pictures of the Hester family on St. Patrick's day.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March is already here!

I have been a bad blogger. Feb. came and went. It was a very busy month. Daddy had a tumor removed from his bladder and started treatment. So far so good. Jaxon and Kaylee keep me busy daily. Here are a couple of pics of them. I will try to be a better blogger.